The solar system can easily be paralleled with the “basic” unit of matter, the atom. Operations of a colossal city are analogous to the miniature calculations of a computer. Phenomena of any system occur every instant, simultaneously, on small and large scales. I am interested in exploring these patterns and parallel realities, this duality between the vast and the minute. The deeper into the minute one goes, the closer one gets to understanding the large and vice versa.
I have chosen two specific analogies to embody the idea of the minute and the vast as equivalents 1) the relationship between the outer space and the digital information space and 2) the similarity between urban planning and computer integrated circuits.
To work around this dichotomy I will create an immersive installation that takes over the northern room of the AC Institute. I plan to "invert" these two ideas representing the "large" in a small scale and the "minute" in an outsized scale, emphasizing the concept of the strange loop and the cyclic patterns. The installation will make reference to the micro world of computers in correlation with outer space phenomena.